“It’s living art and it can be unpredictable, which actually makes it more exciting to me.”
The cannabis plants featured on Peter M’s Budzai Instagram account are not meant for smoking. They’re living art.
Using traditional techniques devised for training and shaping bonsai trees, Peter M, an artist from Toronto, has transformed two regular cannabis plants into mesmerizing spiral sculptures, affectionately documented in diary-style Instagram posts. It’s not immediately obvious that these are marijuana plants; they look like gnarled little tornados, with thick trunks and almost no leaves.
“I decided one day that I wanted to create living art similar to a bonsai, but with something more controversial and edgy,” Peter M tells Lift & Co. He germinated his first plant in June 2017, choosing a strain of Cinderella 99 for “its grapefruit aroma.” This tree is referred to affectionately online — by Peter M and fans alike — as “Cindy.” He later acquired a second plant, “Blu” (from a Blueberry strain), which he’s shaped into a similar vortex.
Read full article at Lift&co Magazine